International Workshop "Conservation strategies for freshwater mussels"

Dear colleagues,
Please do not miss our International online seminar on Freshwater Mussels 2021!
The 2. international workshop of the project ArKoNaVera, initially planned to take place in the city of Dresden in Germany March 09-10 2021, is now planned as an online seminar due to the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this online event we will use technical support of digital meeting tools of TU Dresden. Due to sometimes limited access to technical devices etc. we want to focus on a good support of particular speakers and their oral presentations and discussions through chat question rounds as well as well-prepared moderation in between.
Currently, the committee members find particular speakers and the program will be announced as soon as possible. Please, be aware that an abstract submission for poster contributions will be not possible for this workshop because of above-mentioned reasons. Therefore, we kindly request you to submit no further abstracts for oral contributions.
You will find here details about registration and technical notes for speakers, audience and questioners end of January 2021.